Double Decoction
Process of beer brewing to produce True
Bohemian Pilsener.
This type of brewing was traditionally used by Bohemian and Bavarian brewers for centuries, before the thermometer was even invented. Mash is divided into two parts at the “about” to boil temperature, second part is heated slightly higher and then rested for a period of the time. During resting at different temperature at different
time, mash releases acid during Gluconase rest, followed by Protein rest and next is
Sacharification, (conversion in sugar). Later both parts of mash conglomerate and are
“mashed out”. This is a significant procedure versus Infusion mash (single heating of
mash and single resting) used by British brewers to produce Ales. Our brewing method
involves 12 hours from malt crashing to wort transfer in to primary Fermentor. After
one week of primary fermentation, beer is transferred in to lagering vessels for an
additional 5 weeks of lagering, then filtered and served.